You will now find all these values reflected in the troop roster and everywhere else.

Use the maximise button to get the full screen. Once you have finished save the file and return to the game.However these use codes and not names so you will need to experiment. Many other things can be changed such as armor, weapon, balistic weapon etc.Do not forget to update the number of units You may copy complete units from the MRC files.BTS file in directory SHADOW OF THE HORNED RAT\FILE\SCRIPT If you know the names for spells you may add them to any wizards after the banner line.If you know the names for magic items you may add them to any units after the banner line.Increase Move (Non mounted only), Weapon Skill, Balistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, Wounds, Initiative, Attacks, or Leadership.You may change any of the values after S_MOVE as they represent the stats from the book.Setstats:s_side=reserved, troops, active troops, reserved You may modify the number of troops or Active troops given after S_SIDE as.Modify any unit listed or add new/killed ones. Open file (DRIVE letter):SHADOW OF THE HORNED RAT\SAVED\ARMY.MRC.

Wordpad makes this easier to do in some cases. The same results can be gained with a simple hex editor, but you need to know what hex offsets to change. Instructions are for Windows 95 only although this will probably work with Windows 3.1 as well. This is the ultimate cheating aid for Warhammer Shadow Of The Horned Rat.Type the following cheats to achieve the desired result. Warhammer Shadow of the Horned Rat Cheats